Your local Pharmacy can help with a number of ailments

Did you know that you don’t always need to see the GP? Your local Pharmacy can help with the following:

Look out for those needing more help during the cold snap

As temperatures have dropped, remember that other people such as older neighbours, friends and family members, may need some extra […]

Are you getting enough Vitamin D?

From October to March we can’t make enough vitamin D from sunlight. To keep bones and muscles healthy, it’s best […]

National Diabetes Month

November is National Diabetes Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness and explaining the signs and symptoms of Diabetes. Find […]

Are you eligible for a flu or covid vaccine?

For some, flu or COVID-19 can be very dangerous and even life-threatening. Flu and COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of […]

Have your say on Cancer Screening and HPV Vaccinations

Join the Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance People Panel and have your say on improving Cancer Screening and HPV Vaccination […]

Here’s your reminder to check your child’s scalp for head lice and nits. Treat head lice as soon as you […]

Pregnant women eligible for RSV vaccine

Pregnant women are eligible for a free respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine to protect their babies from serious lung infections. […]

Detect Bowel Cancer Early

Your next poo could save your life. Detecting bowel cancer at the earliest stage makes you up to nine times […]

Make sure you have your eyes tested

Your eyes rarely hurt when something is wrong with them, so having regular eye tests is important to help detect […]